Wednesday August 25, 2021
COVID-19 Pathways to Recovery
Considerations and Resources to Guide Hospitals and Health Systems
COVID-19 has been an unprecedented challenge for our nation’s communities and the hospitals and health care systems that serve them. It has impacted every aspect of hospital operations – from workforce to lab services to communications. As we move from response to recovery, and finally on to rebuilding, we will be guided by the lessons we’ve learned.
To that end, we want to share a new resource, COVID-19 Pathways to Recovery. Development of this compendium has been led by an AHA Board Task Force with input from many members of the association. While it is not intended to be an all-inclusive resource and will evolve over time as we learn more, it provides important questions and checklists to consider moving forward. AHA members can access the resource by clicking on the link below. If you are not logged into the ASHHRA website, you will be prompted to do so. Please note, this PDF is 99 pages long. If your browser has difficulty displaying the entire document, please refresh the page, open the PDF in Acrobat, or download the file to your computer or device.

Originally published at