Wednesday August 30, 2023

Joint ASHHRA/SHRM Membership

New and renewing Joint ASHHRA/SHRM memberships will be processed by SHRM.

ASHHRA and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) are continuing a long-standing collaboration to offer you the Joint ASHHRA/SHRM membership to help you navigate through general HR challenges and the uniqueness of the healthcare industry.

ASHHRA offers you specific healthcare-focused resources and SHRM covers all human resource industries and issues. By becoming joint members, you gain quick, reliable access to all of the knowledge you need to keep you well-educated on any legislative updates and industry-related news, as well as general HR trends, policies and best practices.

Joint ASHHRA/SHRM membership benefits include:

  • Only one invoice for both memberships.
  • Discounted membership rates for both memberships.
  • Access to ASHHRA and SHRM resources.

For Joint ASHHRA/SHRM membership dues renewal questions or requests for invoices, please contact

To join or renew as a Joint ASHHRA/SHRM member,
click the button to be taken to the SHRM page.

Joint ASHHRA/SHRM Membership Pricing

Regular Rate

Discounted Joint Rate

Joint ASHHRA / SHRM Practitioner

HR professionals directly employed by a provider organization across the continuum of care.

ASHHRA: $200/year
SHRM: 299/year

Total:  $499/year

$499  $454

Joint ASHHRA / SHRM Affiliate

Professionals who support healthcare HR but are not directly employed by provider organizations.

ASHHRA: $250/year
SHRM: 299/year

Total: $549/year

$549 $510

Two- and three-year membership options also available!

To join or renew as a Joint ASHHRA/SHRM member, click the button to be taken to the SHRM page.
