Friday August 11, 2023
Level Up Your Hiring: The Top Eight Ways to Hire Hourly Healthcare Workers
Join industry expert Daniel Blaser as he shares the strategies industry leaders and top executives are using to quickly—and successfully—hire today and walk away with actionable steps to level up your hiring process. He has educated individuals, ranging from CEOs to executive directors, about the healthcare labor market and the strategies and tools required to attract applicants and bring hiring success.
- Learn key tactics to hire and retain hourly workers faster and more efficiently.
- Learn new tactics and tricks used by leading industry experts to improve their hiring processes.
- Learn new ways to engage and hire applicants.
ASHHRA Non-member: $25.00 FREE
1 (CHHR, ACHE Fellowship*, HRCI, SHRM) for live webinar attendees.
*By attending the Level Up Your Hiring: The Top Eight Ways to Hire Hourly Healthcare Workers live webinar offered by ASHHRA participants may earn up to 1 ACHE Qualified Education hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.

Daniel Blaser
Hiring Specialist
Daniel Blaser is an hourly workforce expert and solution architect. He has educated individuals, ranging from CEOs to general managers, about the hourly labor market and the strategies and tools required to attract applicants and bring hiring success.