Monday February 28, 2022
Tools to Attend
Take advantage of available opportunities and tools to help you attend the annual conference.
Conference Scholarship
ASHHRA is proud to offer scholarships to cover Full Conference registration to ASHHRA22. 15 applicants will be selected.
To be considered for one of the fifteen available scholarships, complete this form by March 16, 2022. At the bottom of the form, please upload your resume.
Terms: All required components must be submitted by March 16, 2022. Scholarship cannot be applied to current or existing registration. Scholarship applies only to Full Conference registration. Scholarship must be used for ASHHRA22 conference registration and are non-transferrable to another person or event.
Show the Value in Attending ASHHRA22
ASHHRA knows firsthand that hospitals and healthcare organizations are experiencing financial difficulties. Travel and training budgets have been reduced, withheld or suspended completely. If you have been to an ASHHRA annual conference before, you know the price of registration does not even compare to the amount of knowledge you’ll bring back to your organization. With over 50 learning sessions specific to healthcare HR, you will return equipped with new ideas to share, innovative strategies to implement, and strengthened connections to help streamline everyday operations.
You know the benefits of attending the ASHHRA annual conference is worth the cost, but given today’s economic climate, you may need to justify the expense to your manager. Here are some easily implementable ideas to help you demonstrate the value of your attendance in Phoenix for the ASHHRA22 annual conference and exposition:
Click the button below to download the editable document to help you plan and communicate the value and ROI of your attendance.
If you show the value of the education you received at the ASHHRA annual conference, you can encourage your colleagues to attend. Could you imagine if more than one person from your organization could attend the conference? You could assign specific educational sessions, networking events and/or vendors, then meet back once you return to see which items have been, or should be, acted upon. Then follow up with a note to management to describe what actions you’ve taken and what improvements you’ve made. Take advantage of the special offers, such as the BOGO Registration (buy one registration, get a second for FREE), or the Group of 5 registration, where you purchase five Full Conference registrations for the price of 3.
After the conference, create a repository of knowledge to share with your colleagues. Whether you pick up business partner brochures in the exhibit hall, business cards of helpful consultants or print out presentations from learning sessions, put it in a binder to share or reference when needed.
Gather your team and provide an update on the timely education received at the conference. Share your conference experience and offer to do a presentation based on sessions that really impacted you. For example, did you learn new retention ideas to implement at your organization? Provide the session handouts and hit on the high notes from that session. Your colleagues will appreciate that you took the time to share what you’ve learned.
Execute at least one thing you learned from the conference. Does this save your organization money or make a process easier? If so, document the impact and emphasize that this would not have been realized if you had not attended the conference.
To really drive home the value of attending the conference, the next time you have an idea or concept to share that you learned from ASHHRA, start the conversation with “One of the great speakers I saw at ASHHRA…”
When your manager sees how much you’ve gotten out of this conference, and how you shared it with others in your organization, they’ll be more willing to fund it again next year.