Monday August 19, 2024


Connect face-to-face with HR directors, administrators, vice presidents and CEOs of the nation’s healthcare organizations.

Maximize your marketing dollars and support the healthcare human resources profession by reaching ASHHRA members and other industry leaders through the annual conference. Exhibitors will have dedicated time to showcase products and services, gain new business contacts, and strengthen connections with clients. Exhibition is required in order to sponsor and/or advertise at the annual conference.

ASHHRA Exhibit & Sponsorship Sales

ASHHRA Partners with MCI USA: ASHHRA continues to partner with MCI USA’s Sales Services & Solutions division, a leading sales firm for associations with extensive experience helping organizations streamline services. Katy Lewis is your primary event sales contact for ASHHRA, while ASHHRA staff will remain deeply involved to ensure support for our valued relationship with you. Please contact Katy directly to discuss your exhibit and sponsorship program.


Katy Lewis
410-584-1990  |

Countdown to ASHHRA25

