Thursday September 30, 2021
Harassment Prevention the Right Way
Company culture is the key to harassment prevention, yet so many organizations provide only a short harassment prevention training program in order to check a compliance box. Why stop there when your best defense against claims of harassment and discrimination is creating a positive culture where speaking up is comfortable. Your best defense is inviting employees to resolve the issue on their own, long before it escalates to harassment, in a culture of psychological safety. Hospitals, medical centers, clinics… any organization that allows legal but toxic behaviors to happen is inviting employees to tell an attorney when illegal harassment happens. Employees can see behavior and culture are irrelevant to management, so why speak up? Stop inviting your workforce to keep silent on harassment and start helping them thrive. As Johnny C. Taylor, CEO of SHRM, says, “With a healthy workplace culture, when sexual harassment is observed or experienced, the community takes over and shuts it down collectively, with a message that this behavior will not be tolerated here, by anyone at any level.”
- Understand the stark similarities between incivility, conflict, harassment, bullying and violence.
- Develop a stronger understanding of the subtleties of sexual harassment.
- Understand aggression and harassment as a social phenomenon, and why addressing it as a social problem is more powerful and sustainable than any one-time-training can offer.
ASHHRA Non-members: $25.00

Catherine Mattice Zundel, M.A., SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Civility Partners
The founder of Civility Partners, Catherine Mattice Zundel, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, is a Strategic HR Consultant who assists organizations in building positive cultures through HR practices. Catherine is a widely recognized thought-leader in HR, and she is passionate about employers’ responsibility to create the opportunity and environment for employees to thrive – it shows in her sheer number of conferences and publications. She has appeared on/in NPR, CNN, USA Today, and more as an expert, she has published articles in a wide variety of venues, and was a regular contributor to Catherine’s award-winning first book, BACK OFF! Your Kick-Ass Guide to Ending Bullying at Work, was hailed by international leadership-guru, Ken Blanchard, as, “the most comprehensive and valuable handbook on the topic.” She’s since written two more books, and is a LinkedIn Learning course author. Get a flavor for Catherine’s speaking style here.